May 25, 2022

RavenCrest Tactical OTF Knife Buyers Guide

When you think “pocket-knife” A LOT of different styles come to mind. They can range from the Boy-Scout friendly Swiss Army Knife or a utilitarian knife tool, even an up scale cutting tool that’s more for show than actual use. In essence, there are quite a few sub-categories (i.e. styles, usage, level of convenience…). The category we’re going to talk about is OTF knives. A branch of automatic switchblades, when well made, these knives are quick, convenient, and in style. There may not be a wide variety like other styles out there but there is still quite a bit available. […]
April 19, 2022

California Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: No. Concealed Carry: Concealment is a factor under California law. Schools: California schools are weapons free zones. Major Cities with Knife Ordinances: Several. Critical Dimensions: Two inches or more—blade length of illegal switchblade under California law. Restricted Knives: Air Gauge Knife, Belt Buckle Knife, Lipstick Case Knife, Writing Pen Knife, Undetectable Knife, Shobi-zue (staff or rod containing knife blade), Cane Sword, Ballistic Knife, Switchblade Knife having a blade two inches or more in length, Undetectable Knife. **Definitions for these items are found in 16590 Generally prohibited weapon defined. California Penal Code 21310 which provides that […]
April 19, 2022

Arizona Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: Yes. Schools: Deadly weapons may not be possessed in a polling place on any election day or on school grounds. There is no “pocket knife” exception for school grounds or polling places on election day. Critical Dimensions: None noted. Restricted Knives: None. The Arizona statute which governs the carry of knives is 13-3102. The statute restricts the concealed carry of a “deadly weapon” defined as “anything that is designed for lethal use.” Knives may be deadly weapons. An individual 21 or older may carry deadly weapons concealed “on the person” or in his immediate control within […]
April 19, 2022

Nevada Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: No. Concealed Carry: Machetes may not be carried concealed. Schools: Nevada law provides as to edged tools or instruments that dirks, daggers and switchblades may not be possessed on school property. Restricted Knives: There are no forbidden knives under state law. Concealment restrictions apply to machetes. Location restrictions apply to any dirk, dagger – undefined – and any switchblade knife with a blade longer than 2 inches. Nevada state law does not otherwise restrict the open or concealed carry of knives. It is unlawful to carry a machete concealed on one’s person. Relevant Statutes: 202.265. […]
April 19, 2022

New Mexico Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: Yes. Concealed Carry: Concealed carry of a deadly weapon is prohibited. Schools: No knives should be carried on school property. NMS 30-7-2.1. Critical Dimensions: None noted. Restricted Knives: Switchblade knives, a category that includes gravity and butterfly knives, are prohibited. It is likely that assisted opening knives would be included within the switchblade prohibition. See -automatic knives- for reference. New Mexico law prohibits the concealed carry – outside of one’s residence or real property – of certain statutorily listed knives or cutting instruments. The specified items include any type of dagger, switchblade knives, bowie knives, […]
April 19, 2022

Colorado Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: Limited to traveling within the state in private transportation. Concealed Carry: Carrying a concealed knife in Colorado with a blade in excess of three-and-one-half inches (3½”) in length is a violation of law. Schools: Deadly weapons may not be possessed on school grounds. This applies to all educational levels, kindergarten through post-graduate. Major Cities with Knife Ordinances: Denver, Boulder Critical Dimensions: Three-and-a-half inches. Restricted Knives: It is unlawful (class 5 felony) to knowingly possess a “ballistic knife.” Any non-ballistic knife with a blade not exceeding 3 ½ inches is lawful to carry whether concealed or […]
April 19, 2022

Montana Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: Yes. Concealed Carry: Not an issue. Schools: The possession of a knife with a blade of 4 or more inches, a sword, or a straight razor is prohibited in schools. Critical Dimensions: None. Restricted Knives: None. Any knife may be carried openly or concealed. Relevant Statutes: 45-8-352. Restriction on local government regulation of knives 45-8-361. Possession or allowing possession of weapon in school building-exceptions-penalties-seizure and forfeiture or return authorized—definitions Statewide Preemption: Yes.  Effective April 3, 2019, local governments may by ordinance or regulation restrict the possession of knives on property leased or owned by the […]
April 19, 2022

Utah Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: Yes. Schools: Dangerous weapons are prohibited from school grounds and from public or private elementary, through public or private institutions of higher education. Critical Dimensions: None noted. Restricted Knives: There are no forbidden or restricted knives. Knives, as such, are not restricted in Utah where uniformity of weapon law state-wide obtains. Some knives may be “dangerous weapons” as statutorily defined, but all knives may be carried openly or concealed except by convicted felons or by individuals with criminal intent. Relevant Statutes: 76-10-500. Uniform law 76-10-501. Definitions 76-10-503. Restrictions on possession, purchase, transfer, and ownership of […]
April 19, 2022

Idaho Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: Yes. Schools: A pocketknife with a blade less than 2 1/2 in length may be carried on school grounds (K -12) and school buses. Critical Dimensions: Blades exceeding 6 inches in length have some restrictions. Greater than 2 1/2  inches in length knives may not be possessed on school property. Restricted Knives: There are no forbidden knives under Idaho law. Some restriction exists for knives with blades exceeding 6 inches in length. Most law-abiding adults enjoy unrestricted choice as to what knife may be carried and whether it may be concealed. “Constitutional” carry obtains in […]
April 19, 2022

Oklahoma Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: Yes Concealed Carry: Not an issue. Critical Dimensions: None noted. Restricted Knives: There are no restricted or forbidden knives. The possession or carry of a knife is generally unrestricted in Oklahoma. Relevant statutes: 12-1272. Unlawful carry 12-1280.1. Possession of firearm on school property Statewide Preemption: Yes. Restrictions on Sale or Transfer: None noted. Concealed Carry: Not an issue. Restrictions on Carry in Specific Locations/Circumstances: Knives are restricted. Some exceptions and exemptions apply including, but not limited to, law enforcement, hunter safety education, shooting teams. Oklahoma sees knifes as being useful when used properly (self-defense, education, hunting, […]
April 19, 2022

Nebraska Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: No. Concealed Carry: Nebraska prohibits the concealed carry of certain knives. Schools: Chapter 79 of the Nebraska Statutes, which pertains to schools, allows school officials and school boards to exclude or punish students who possess weapons on school grounds. 79-267. Major Cities with Knife Ordinances: Lincoln Omaha. Critical Dimensions: 3 1/2 inches or less maximum blade length for a knife which can be carried concealed. Forbidden Knives: None. Any knife – folding, fixed blade, dagger, stiletto, automatic, gravity, etc. – having a blade longer than 3 1/2 inches in length is subject to the restriction that it […]
April 19, 2022

South Dakota Knife Laws

Quick Legal Facts Statewide Preemption: No Concealed Carry: Permitted under state law unless carried with the intent to commit a felony. Schools: The possession of a “dangerous weapon,” which can include a knife, on school grounds by someone not licensed is prohibited. Major Cities with Knife Ordinances: Yes. See discussion. Critical Dimensions: None noted. Restricted Knives: There are no restricted knives under South Dakota state law. South Dakota law does not recognize types or sub-categories of knives. An understanding of South Dakota state law regarding knives can be achieved with slightly more than a glance. The statutory definition of “‘dangerous weapon” includes […]