January 11, 2015

History of the Edged Tool : Drawing Blood Lore

Drawing Blood Lore Just as with swords, regional and cultural superstitions exist regarding the treatment of knives that are used in combat. One common superstition states that it is bad luck to return a combat knife from its sheath without using it to draw blood. That is, don’t take your knife out of your sheath unless you intend to attack your enemy with it. A Scottish myth exists surrounding drawing the sgian dubh (Dirk), without drawing the blood of an Englishman. These superstitions are usually attempts to insult the culture of the enemy. There are cultures that believe a knife […]
December 23, 2014

History of the Edged Tool : James Bowie and Sandbar Brawl

We are a knife company owned and operated by true knife junkies. We (as owners of Raven Crest Tactical) love all things knife related, especially knife stories and history. In this series we are going to share some historical / ceremonial / cultural and religious stories regarding edged weapons. Get ready because we are coming out of the gates hot with this series.. James Bowie and the Sandbar Fight James Bowie, that name may sound familiar to some.. Ever heard of the “Bowie Knife”, here is what one looks like: Well James Bowie created the Bowie Knife and here is […]