Quick Legal Facts
Statewide Preemption:
Concealed Carry:
Not a factor.
Various described weapons having a blade of 2 or more inches are prohibited on school grounds, within a school safety zone, at school functions or on transportation furnished by the schools, such as a school bus.
Critical Dimensions:
12 inches.
Restricted Knives:
There are no forbidden knives under Georgia law. Some knives with blades longer than 12 inches are subject statutory weapon restrictions.
Any knife having a blade measuring 12 inches or less may be freely carried. Some knives with blades longer than 12 inches are weapons and may not be carried beyond one’s home, property, automobile, or place of business without a 16-11-129 State of Georgia license or a weapon license issued by a state with Georgia reciprocity.
Relevant Statutes:
16–11–125.1. Definitions
As used in this part, the term:
. . .
(2) “Knife” means a cutting instrument designed for the purpose of offense and defense consisting of a blade that is greater than 12 inches in length which is fastened to a handle.
. . .
(5) “Weapon” means a knife or handgun.
16-11-126. Possessing or carrying a handgun, long gun, or other weapon; license requirements; reciprocity; exceptions; penalties
16-11-127. Carrying a weapon in unauthorized locations
16-11-127.1. Weapons on school safety zones, school buildings or grounds or at school functions
“Weapon” means and includes any pistol, revolver, or any weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind, or any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, any other knife having a blade of two or more inches, straight-edge razor, razor blade, . . .This paragraph excludes any of these instruments used for classroom work authorized by the teacher.
16-11-129. License to weapons carry
16-11-130. Exemptions
16-11-130.2. Possession of weapon in airport restricted access areas; penalties
16-11-136. Possession, manufacture, sale, or transfer of knives
16-7-21. Criminal trespass
Statewide Preemption:
Yes, 16-11-136. preempts local ordinances and provides for statewide uniform knife law. There is also a specific statewide preemption regarding weapons at airports per subpart (d) of 16-11-130.2.
Restrictions on Sale or Transfer:
None noted.
Concealed Carry:
Concealment is not an issue.
Restrictions on Carry in Specific Locations / Circumstances:
A 2 inches blade length limitation applies to possession of knives on school grounds.
- Restricted Locations
Schools / School Functions
It is unlawful to have a “weapon” as defined in 16-11-127.1 a “school safety zone” which is any real owned or leased to a school K through university. Essentially this means any knife must have a blade less than two (2) inches in length.
It is also unlawful to have such a “weapon” at any “school function” which is a school activity K through 12that takes place outside of a “school safety zone.”
Non-School Based Restrictions
A 16-11-129 or reciprocal license allows knives that are weapons under the general definition to be carried in all locations except court, correctional, mental health, nuclear power, government, and polling activity facilities. Places of worship are also restricted locations but may allow an exception for license holders.
Private property owners may exclude and eject persons in possession of weapons under 16-7-21.
- Law Enforcement and Military
16-11-130. list various federal and state officials who are exempt from the restrictions established by 16-11-126 through 16-11-127.2. Peace officers and active-duty U.S. military members are included. A streamlined application process for a weapon license is provided for in 16-11-129.
- Consequences
Most of the violations of Part 3 pertaining to carrying weapons are misdemeanors and as such are punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 and not more than one (1) year of confinement. A violation of 16-11-127.1. is a felony unless one has a weapon license in which case it is treated as a misdemeanor.